Lagos is The 30th Best Quantifiable City in the World – PwC

The report, which comprises two studies, (one on “perception” and the other on “reality” and “benchmarks”) rates 30 cities on a variety of factors including: corruption; health, safety, and security; innovation and entrepreneurship; transportation and infrastructure; demographics and livability; sustainability and the natural environment; economic clout; intellectual capital and innovation; and education was published last week by international consultancy firm; PwC.

Lagos City with a population of over 21million people was listed as the 30th Best Quantifiable and Best Perceived City in the World for Quality of Life in the Newly Published List.

The study was conducted on 5,200 well-educated, high net-worth adults from across 16 Counties. PwC specifically questioned ‘elite’ over 18s, described as ‘senior business decision makers or well-educated, high-income consumers who typically stay up to date with world events’.

1. London
2. Singapore
3. Toronto
4. Paris
5. Amsterdam
6. New York
7. Stockholm
8. San Francisco
9. Hong Kong
10. Sydney
11. Seoul
12. Berlin
13. Los Angeles
14. Chicago
15. Tokyo
16. Madrid
17. Dubai
18. Milan
19. Beijing
20. Kuala Lumpur
21. Shanghai
22. Moscow
23. Mexico City
24. Johannesburg
25. São Paulo
26. Bogotá
27. Rio
28. Jakarta
29. Mumbai
30. Lagos

1. London
2. Paris
3. New York
4. Amsterdam
5. Sydney
6. Berlin
7. Tokyo
8. Toronto
9. Stockholm
10. Los Angeles
11. San Francisco
12. Dubai
13. Milan
14. Madrid
15. Chicago
16. Hong Kong
17. Singapore
18. Beijing
19. Seoul
20. Rio
21. Shanghai
22. Moscow
23. Johannesburg
24. Kuala Lumpur
25. Mexico City
26. São Paulo
27. Mumbai
28. Jakarta
29. Bogotá
30. Lagos

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